#PregnancyProblems : Avoiding Sunburn during Summer Vacation
Sunbathing exposes you to ultraviolet rays which are dangerous for everyone obviously, but more so when pregnant. Because of the increased hormone levels, the skin become more sensitive and develop more sun spots. My mom always told me she had some brown pregnancy spots mainly in her face, around upper lip and cheeks so I did my best to avoid sun exposure during pregnancy until I moved to Los Angeles.
Sun spots are not the “real” reason to avoid sunbathing during pregnancy. Excessive exposure to the sun can cause dehydration and overheating, not to mention increasing chances of cancer developing. Therefore creating a smart sunscreen routine is essential and here you can find some tips I followed during my first pregnancy.
1.Avoid the sun between 11am and 4pm :
The suns rays are at their strongest so you don’t want to take that risk. Better be safe than sorry.
2.Choose a smart sunscreen :
I love Lierac Sunissime series. I apply SPF50 to the bump and to my face and use SPF30 for the rest of my body. Reminder : reapply every 2-3 hours for maximum protection.
3.Drink plenty of fluids :
Staying hydrated with lots of plain water will keep the body cool and prevent overheating and dehydration.
4.Dress accordingly :
You may want to hide the bump in one-piece swimsuit or wear appropriate beach dress on top of your bikinis. I prefer to use white cotton boyfriend shirt all the time which can protect my shoulders and the bump while tanning my legs.
5.Add sun protection accessories :
A hat and sunglasses while outdoors will help reduce the exposure to the UV rays. The large hat will provide protection to the face and neck area. And sunglasses can help to reduce the damage to the eyes.
Robin Piccone Bikinis
La Poudre Hat
Cartier Love Bracelets with Iris Ivy Necklace